Skin tags or other skin imperfections can appear anywhere on the body. They are often harmless, but can still be disturbing. These imperfections can be caused by, for example, age, predisposition or friction of the skin.
The SpotAway-plus is a wireless device that works with high-frequency alternating current. A sterile needle is placed on the SpotAway-plus. The current passes through this needle and causes an ion arc. This results in tiny sparks that burn away the tissue.
Depending on the amount and size of the surface of the treatment area, these skin irregularities can usually be removed in just 1 treatment. Some skin irregularities tend to reappear after some time. A repeat treatment is then possible.
*Before you can undergo this treatment, a consultation is necessary.*
Before treatment
Sometimes it may be necessary to use different (additional) therapies such as laser therapy or curettage for the different treatment indications. The skin therapist will always discuss this with you beforehand and will explain to you what the differences between the treatments entail. With a dark skin type it is sometimes necessary to first treat a test spot due to the risk of pigment shifts after the treatment.
- Blood Vesicles (Angioma senilis)
- Dermatosis papulosa nigra
- Barley grains
- Cherry warts (Dermatosis angioma)
- Age spots (Lentigo)
- Age warts (Verrucae planae)
- Flat warts (Verrucae planae)
- Skin tags (fibromas, skin tags)
- Spider nevi
- Syringomas
- Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
- Xanthelasma
The treatment
Your skin will be disinfected at the start of the treatment. The skin therapist will mark the treatment area. The needle will then be held against the skin. You will feel a warm prick on the skin. This can be experienced as sensitive, but the treatment is short-lived. The skin therapist applies a nurturing ointment and (for sun exposure) sun protection.
After treatment
After the treatment, a small crust often forms immediately on the treated area. Furthermore, the skin is somewhat red and possibly slightly swollen. New skin is created under the scab. After about a week, the scab will fall off on its own. It is important that the treated areas are left alone. Do not scratch the scabs off, this can cause scarring. The skin therapist will give you a form describing all aftercare.
What does nutrition have to do with skin tags/ warts?
Overuse of carbohydrates, too much omega-6 fats (especially linoleic acid) and a lack of omega-3 fats and vitamin D3, along with a lack of exercise, are the main cause. Refined foods, sweeteners such as glucose-fructose syrups, soft drinks, dairy products, wheat products and one-sided foods with a lack of nutrients such as minerals (selenium, zinc, chromium, etc.) contribute in particular to this problem. Ready meals, nutrition from packs and bags with all kinds of E-substances and flavor enhancers almost guarantee insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance can be combated in combination with a lot of intensive exercise and sensible eating. It is very important to do this because much less harmless but sometimes invisible problems can arise such as PCOS or eventually even diabetes. If the dark skin is gone along with the skin tags, the problem is most likely resolved. Removing the skin tags is just an aesthetic act but pointless if not tackling the real problem.
This treatment is not suitable for genital warts.
Non-Surgical Blemish Removal
Non surgical blemish removal is a procedure which involves the removal or the following: Skin tags (fibroids, steel warts) Spider naevi Lentigo (age spots) Verrucae seborrhoica (old-age warts) Verrucae planae (flat warts) Epidermal naevi Angioma senilis (blood bubbles) Milia |
10min |
€45 |
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