Den Haag

Here we would like to share with you 3 simple tips to enhance your routine (and your glow)! 1. Think thinnest to thickest  Thicker, oil based formulas and creams can create a barrier on the skin (which is what makes them so nourishing), so applying your thinner, water based products […]

Layering Your Skincare

It is the time for something new at ASPA! T SHAPE 2 TREATMENT FOR BODY AND FACE The evolution in the remodeling of the body and rejuvenation of the face WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM THE T-SHAPE 2? This treatment is suitable for body and face and for both women and men. The […]


If you suffer with acne, you may notice things get worse in the summer. Warmer temperatures increase our skin’s oil production, and this, combined with sweat, make up and sunscreen application, causes clogging within the pores, leading to breakouts. We wanted to share, in a bit more detail, some of […]

Tips for Managing Acne This Summer

At ASPA we believe that we should celebrate every day, but especially days like Father’s Day. We are offering the full selection of treatments and products for men as well as online gift vouchers and products. If you are looking for the advice, please contact us via Whatever you […]


Very often at the end of your facial at ASPA we like to use LED light therapy. This time we would like to inform you a bit more what is the main purpose of this treatment. LED red light therapy is a treatment for improving skin texture and softening lines […]

What is LED red light therapy?

How do you choose which skin treatment is best for you? This post should give you more information. Our idea is to help you understand each of the treatments better to be able to make your decision. Whether your skin concern is ageing, hyperpigmentation, acne, or rosacea, to achieve results it is […]

The Top 5 Professional Skin Facial Treatments

What are blackheads? Blackheads are immediately recognizable by the small black dots on your nose and/or chin. Many people have them, but what are they really? And more importantly how can you remove blackheads? In this blog I will tell you all about it! Blackheads, also called comedones, are actually […]

What is the best way to remove blackheads?

AZRA Botanical Simplicity
Luxury, natural and science-backed brand made by the skin expert It was my mission to use my experience from the practice in ASPA mixed with my study of plant science and chemistry to make effective plant-based skincare for the real skin needs of the modern woman and man. Products made with all […]

Why Did We Make Our Own Skincare Brand?

AZRA Botanical Simplicity INTENSIVE SERUM
Do you need to adjust your skincare to the different seasons? We get this question asked very often.  Our answer is: Absolute!! The weather is getting warmer and sunnier again. It’s time to update your skincare! You will be exposing your skin more to the sun in the near future, […]

How do you adapt your skincare to the beautiful ...

ASPA Opening Hours have changed! is open every Monday! From 25 September 2017 ASPA will be open every Monday from 09:30 till 14:00. Call us on 070 345 0215 Mail us on: See you in ASPA soon!

ASPA Opening Hours